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The long sought-after goal of uncovering the microscopic quantum nature of gravitational phenomena still eludes us. Amidst technical and conceptual challenges, we are led to question the very origins of space, time and scale. If one accepts that General Relativity is the right classical theory, then one is left with the question of which aspects of the theory — in terms of its degrees of freedom, symmetries and fundamental principles — continue to play a role in non-perturbative quantum gravity. Perhaps a more basic structure, like conformal geometry, is key to the quantum theory? Or perhaps even more primitive structures form its fundamental building blocks, from which spacetime as we know it emerges only on larger scales? On the empirical front, we seek experimental windows for testing our proposals. Observational cosmology has already revealed tantalising surprises and may one day be able to probe energy scales where quantum-gravitational effects are important.


In this conference, we will bring together experts from a diverse set of approaches attempting to describe the very origins of spacetime and gravity, and their possible cosmological implications. We strive for creating a lively and constructive atmosphere where common links, points of contention and possible directions forward can be discussed with an open mind. 

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